Category : Sanitary system

Andorra is ranked number 1 in the ranking of the countries with the highest life expectancy. With enviable statistics, Andorra remains among the top positions in this ranking for several consecutive years. The current general life expectancy in the Principality is 84.5 years, a figure that places Andorra on the podium above Spain, Japan, and other countries […]

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Andorra, like almost all European countries, has mandatory public medical care and has the option of private care. This health system is financed by the social security system of Andorra. In 2017, the index of quality and access to medical care was published in The Lancet and Andorra ranked as the number 1 in the […]

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In Andorra there is only one agency responsible for regulating all medical coverage and social devices in the country. The Andorrana Social Security Fund, CASS for its acronym in Catalan “Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social”, is a very efficient and centralized simplified system. The Andorran Social Security was created in 1968 and currently covers more […]

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Unicef ​​Andorra demands that maternity and paternity leave be increased up to 12 months with salary payments. This with the intention of improving the fertility rate, since births have decreased by 38%. The proposal has been made in the Observatory of Children of Andorra. Unicef ​​and the Sociological Research Center have made public some of their data […]

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Andorra has compulsory public health care with a private option, as it happens with other countries in continental Europe. In this case, thanks to the country’s social security system, the health system can be financed. According to statistical data published by “The Lancet” the quality index of medical care allowed the country to be ranked number 1 in […]

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