Social security (CASS) and health in the Principality of Andorra


cass social security andorra

In Andorra there is only one agency responsible for regulating all medical coverage and social devices in the country. The Andorrana Social Security Fund, CASS for its acronym in Catalan “Caixa Andorrana de Seguretat Social”, is a very efficient and centralized simplified system. The Andorran Social Security was created in 1968 and currently covers more than 90% of the population residing in Andorra.

General operation of CASS in Andorra

The social security agency is responsible for managing reimbursements for consumption related to medical and hospital expenses.

Being affiliated with the Social Security Fund (CASS) is an obligation that every salaried person who performs a professional activity in Andorra and for most of the country’s residents must fulfill.

Social security and health coverage in Andorra are divided into 2 branches:

  • The general branch: this affects the sector of reimbursement and other benefits related to maternity, paternity, incapacity for temporary work, among others.
  • The retirement branch: this affects the service of retirement and widowhood pensions.

Value of contributions and coverage of health costs

The Quotes

  • Employees and employees: detention of 5.5% to 10.5% of salary. This average amount is set by the principality authorities at 14.5% of the rent. It is the employer who has to pay the difference, that is, about 4 to 9% of the salary of their workers.
  • Entrepreneurs and company directors: The retention for them is 20% to 25% of the average monthly salary in Andorra. The latter is automated from the consideration of the income of all employees of the Principality registered to CASS.


The Social Security Fund, as the only health and social security agency in the Principality, covers health costs, with an index of around 75% and 100% of expenses, as the case may be.

The range of reimbursements of costs related to health services linked to Social Security:

  • 75% of general health costs include: medications, doctor. Possibility of 100% coverage by signing a complementary insurance.
  • Hospitalization costs of 90%.
  • 100% of the costs caused by an accident in the workplace or a disease of professional origin.

One thing to keep in mind is that if health expenses in Andorra are incurred before services not affiliated with CASS and the Andorran authorities, the reimbursements will be around 33% of the total amount.

The CASS system for the inhabitants of Andorra

The CASS represents a very important element of the public health system of the Andorran Principality. It certifies the residents of the country, and the people who have chosen to acquire Andorran nationality, the insurance to benefit from good quality medical care.


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